tiistai 24. marraskuuta 2020

Drawing Text, Sprites and Tiles (and what the heck is a CMDQ? Can I eat it?)

The KAPE GPU is very nearly ready for to be moved from breadboard to a PCB. The last things I wanted to make work, was the sprite handling and making sure I can get a CPU<->GPU interface going relatively easily, as we are already very tight in cycles in the AVR side. The CPU<->GPU interface I solved with adding yet another FIFO - a IDT7203 asynchronous dual parallel 2K FIFO in DIP form. I call this the command queue or CMDQ.

Making the sprites work was a lot more involved though, than just throwing one chip at them. My target for sprite handling was 32 sprites at 25 FPS with "full" CMDQ. What I mean by full is that every frame, it has been filled with commands to change the position of the 32 currently active sprites. The following image has 8 sprites for the player character, 4 sprites for the big rock ball, 19 sprites for little rock balls and 1 sprite for the bullet.

The WRITE_RESET is brought low after every frame has been drawn, and it also signals the test program to send data for another frame. The RX line is a serial data we send to the UNO that acts a faux CPU and sends that data to the GPU through the CMDQ. I get very close to 25 FPS target, with 32 sprites at ~23.6 FPS. I tried to optimize the sprite drawing and tile drawing code as best I could, if anyone has any pointers to optimize it even further, I'm open to suggestions! (There's some code later in this article, and also, I'll publish all the current code to a github for general consumption and post the link here once I'm done)

The Memory Setup

The earlier implementation had only one text mode with a bitmap chargen memory for symbols to draw on screen. The characters were embedded into the AVR flash, and to be able to draw sprites and tilemaps, I'd need RAM. This is one of the reasons I opted to use ATmega1284P as the GPU chip, as it has the most SRAM in the AVR 8bit line. At 16K of internal memory, I actually have enough memory to setup a pattern table with straight up colors. I thought about having a NES-like 2 bits per pixel indexed palette, and having a separate palette register, but decided against it - it would incur a penalty on drawing performance. We want the data to be as straightforward to output as possible to use as little cycles as possible when drawing the sprites and tilemaps. 

This reminds me, an earlier decision has come to bite my butt a bit... At some point I decided to pack two pixels to one byte (as my pixels are 4 bit RGBI values) to decrease the time we need for writing the pixel data to the FrameBuffer FIFO. At the time I was only doing a textmode chargen output, and at the time I calculated a 10% improvement in FPS, which felt like a warranted modification. Currently though, the sprite and tile drawing would be a lot more straightforward code-wise, as well as output-wise, and I feel like I don't need to improve text-mode that badly if it hinders the tilemap and sprite drawing. However, I can't really change it back either. To conserver memory as I have so little of it, I need to keep the graphics data in the packed pixel format. To be fair, the tilemap drawing will still be relatively straightforward, as I just output the pixels out as they are, but sprite handling gets a bit hairy, as we need to process each pixel for transparency.

Anyhoo, the 16K of the KAPE GPU is divided into 8K of pattern table memory. This is straight-up packed pixel data in a 16x16 configuration, with 8x8 size per item. This means you can send for use 256 different patterns to be drawn on screen. This pattern table is used both for tilemap drawing (the background) and sprite drawing. Then there is two 32x24 byte arrays to hold character framebuffer and the color buffer. One buffer is 768 bytes, so the both of them take 1.5K.

For sprites we have a 256 item array of sprite struct data. The sprite struct contains the control byte (which has data for whether the sprite is activated yet or not etc.), the screen position in pixels (max [255,191], [0,0] is topleft), the patterntable index that is used to draw this sprite and the color used for transparency. This has been doubled for both high and low nibbles, so that we don't have to calculate this every time we draw the sprites again (yet another drawback of the packed pixel format I'm internally using). This adds up to 6 bytes per sprite, 256 sprites total, so that is also 1.5K.

typedef volatile struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sprite_t_s {
	uint8_t control;
	uint8_t y;
	uint8_t x;
	uint8_t tile_index;
	uint8_t alpha_lo;
	uint8_t alpha_hi;
} sprite_t;

There's also a 128 byte long array for linebuffer. The screen is drawn internally line by line, and the sprites are drawn over the tilemap to this array, before then sending out to the FBF (FrameBuffer FIFO).  Lastly, there is a 96 byte long array for selecting whether to draw from a pattern table, or to draw from chargen in the combined mode - this combines both graphics and text mode, and you can select with this array which one to use. This is normally not used in the graphics mode, as it incurs a small performance penalty for checking yet another array and doing a bitmask to check whether we use the chargen or patterntable memory (and to be fair it hasn't been even implemented yet), but I feel this is a necessary feature as adding text and numbers to the pattern table restricts the usage even more - 256 different 8x8 patterns is not quite a lot. Of course we could work around this limitation by changing the pattern table memory every frame, but that gets troublesome fast. If I can optimize the switch checking code to be fast enough - we could limit it by not drawing sprites over text mode chargen draws, but preformance wise, I'm not sure how much it would give back. This could of course be controlled just by a per line basis as well, and with blocking sprite drawing we could do status bars etc with text only.

Out of 16K we are using a total of a bit over 11K, and are left with 5K memory to still use. Some of that 5K memory usage is required for global and local C variables, so we can't use it all up, but we could probably assign another 4K for half a pattern table to get more pattern graphics for tilemap and sprite drawing usage, and use the control byte and assign one of the bits to mean that the second pattern table is being indexed.

Graphics Modes

The current software design has 4 graphics modes, although only 3 of them have been implemented as of now. 

  • Mode 0: 32x24 Text Mode
  • Mode 1: 256x192 Tiled Graphics
  • Mode 2: 32x24/256x192 Combined Text/Tiled Graphics
  • Mode 3: 128x96 Lores PixelBuffer

Modes 0, 1 and 3 have been implemented. The Mode 0, text mode, has a 32x24 character framebuffer, and a 32x24 color buffer, with background color being on the low nibble and foreground color being on the high nibble. 

The Tiled Graphics mode, Mode 1, re-uses that character framebuffer to mean the tiled background indices to the pattern table, and also uses the sprite memory to draw sprites from the pattern table. The sprite drawing handles transparent color, which defaults to 0 (or black), but can be changed to any of the 16 colors. The tilemap drawing does not use transparency. 

Mode 3, or the Lores PixelBuffer, re-uses the pattern table memory, and interprets it as chunky, linear memory that is straight up just copied to the FBF (FrameBuffer FIFO). Mode 3 is the fastest at ~10ms (~100 FPS) at copying the screen to FBF, for quite obvious reasons (it's just straight up copying from internal memory to external memory). However, sending the updated frame information to the KAPE GPU takes a minimum of 3 frames (4 actually, as we need 1 byte at least for the command to update the screen, and then 6K for the data) as the CMDQ is only 2K in size. That means we get to around 40 ms per frame (~25 FPS) with 3 frames showing an intermediate update image. So this mode isn't really good for anything else than to show static 128x96 images, but it does work well in that. 

For future improvements, we could increase either the CMDQ size by adding 3 IDT7203 or having 2 IDT7204 or only one IDT7205 as a framebuffer. I won't be using the AL422B (the current FBF chip) for CMDQ as it's a lot harder chip to drive and use, whereas the IDT720x chips are as simple as sliced bread. We could also implement the extra 4K pattern table space to increase pattern table memory to 12K, which is incidentally the same amount of memory needed for 2 128x96 RGBI images. This would enable a double-buffering method, to show one image while writing the other one. Actually, we could do this right now with some clever programming and using the fact that the FBF can be read reset independently of the write, and can show old data if it wants to. Let's just add a command to write the internal buffer out to the FBF (CMD_FLUSH_FRAMEBUFFER?), and prevent automatic updating of the FBF when in Mode 3, and just send that flush command after a new frame has been sent. This would give us around 25 FPS fullscreen 128x96 chunky graphics mode. Food for though for later...

Mode 0 is quite simple, though there is some memory handling and byte manipulation to turn a 1bit bitmap to colored text on screen. For each character we have 8 bytes where each bit represents whether to use the background color or the foreground color. The background and foreground color for the current character we check from the color buffer, so it's settable individually for each onscreen character. 

First we extract both colors from the packed pixel format, to FG_COLOR and BG_COLOR. Then we create a high nibble of them both, FG_COLOR2 and BG_COLOR2. After this all we have to do check the characters bits on the current rows byte, in 2 bit sets, and or the correct combination of FG/BG_COLOR and FG/BG_COLOR2. 

;extract color from color buffer
ld   rBG_COLOR, Z+ ; get color buffer byte
andi rFG_COLOR2, 0xF0 ; Foreground color is in high nibble
andi rBG_COLOR, 0x0F ; background color is in low nibble

; shift right four times to get the other nibble for foreground color
lsr  rFG_COLOR
lsr  rFG_COLOR
lsr  rFG_COLOR
lsr  rFG_COLOR

;multiply by 16 (shift 4 bits left) for the other nibble for background color
ldi  r25, 16
mul  rBG_COLOR, r25
mov  rBG_COLOR2, r0

After extracting the color information, we go on and check the chargen bitmap to select the correct color for each pixel, 2 pixels at a time. We repeat this for 8 times and then go for the next character in this row.

; --- Pixel 7 and 6
  mov     rCOLOR, rBG_COLOR   ; preload the pixel with the bg color
  sbrs    rCHAR,7 ; check the 8th bit, if set, skip fg color
  mov     rCOLOR, rFG_COLOR ; if not set, set the fg color for the pixel

; same thing as on the last pixel, but we use r25 as a temporary register
  mov     r25, rBG_COLOR2 
  sbrs    rCHAR,6
  mov     r25, rFG_COLOR2
; now we just combine the register together to one register, and move
; that to the linebuffer
  or      rCOLOR, r25 
  st      X+, rCOLOR

In Mode 1, the Tiled Graphics mode, we use the character screen buffer the same way as in text mode, but instead of the index pointing to a chargen, we point it to a pattern table. The pattern table in tiled mode is simply copied 4 bytes per "character" (so 8 pixels) at a time, and the biggest overhead here comes from keeping track and calculating the proper offsets for different places in the memory. The patterntable has all of one tiles data in one block, so it isn't rectangularly organized. I think this de-complicates offset calculations, but I'm not actually sure - just a feeling that it would get a lot more complicated if I stored the patterns in memory as though it was a big image where I cut parts out and copy them, instead of just calculating in a linear fashion the offset with a format where all of one pattern's data is back-to-back. Here is the full line drawing code for tilemaps in Mode 1:

1: ; loop x char
  .equ    r2PXL,19
  .equ    rINDEX,20

  ; Setup address pointer for pattern table
  ldi     ZL, lo8(scr_buffer_graphics_pattern_table)
  ldi     ZH, hi8(scr_buffer_graphics_pattern_table)

  ld      rINDEX,Y+
  ldi     r25,32    ; 32 bytes per pattern
  mul     rINDEX,r25 ; index multiplied by data width to get offset
  add     ZL,r0
  adc     ZH,r1
  ldi     r25, 7
  and     r25,rPY ; which line is it from 0 to 7?
  lsl     r25
  lsl     r25     ; multiply this by 4 (two left shifts) to get the offset
  add     ZL,r25
  adc     ZH,rZERO

; write 4 bytes to linebuffer
  ld      r2PXL,Z+
  st      X+,r2PXL
  ld      r2PXL,Z+
  st      X+,r2PXL
  ld      r2PXL,Z+
  st      X+,r2PXL
  ld      r2PXL,Z+
  st      X+,r2PXL
  inc     rTX
  cpi     rTX, SCR_TEXT_WIDTH
  brne    1b ; loop x char

Now we get to the "complicated" part. Well, it's not really that more complicated than the text mode character drawing or the tilemap pattern drawing, but there are some... things we need to take into account. First of all, we really don't want to calculate everything for all sprites every line, since not all sprites are always active. For that, we have an active bit in the control -byte, and every line we check for sprites active bit, and if it's not set, we skip to the next sprite. This is subpar though: this means we need to check 256 sprites for their active bit, for all 192 lines. One check takes 8 cycles, 224 inactive sprites and 192 lines, we get ~344K cycles for checking inactive sprites! That's a lot (about 1/3 of the cycles used for all other drawing)! However, all my attempts to optimize this have been in vain. If I hardcode the sprites to be max 32, I actually can increase the speed to 50 FPS! Even if I increase this to 64 sprites (where 32 sprites are inactive) I can still get over 40 FPS, so it might be a viable option to just limit the sprite count to 32 or 64.

One possible method would be to keep a list of active sprites per line, and only draw these sprites, but that would a) transfer the calculations from the drawing routine to the CMDQ handling routines and b) require more memory. That might still be a lot faster than just checking for all sprites on every line, but my earlier attempts at this got real complicated real fast. I might revisit this later, but for now, I'm fine with limiting the sprite count to 32. If I keep most enemies at 1 - 4 sprites, and the main character at 8 sprites, I should get player character + from 5 to 23 other moving objects and/or enemies.

The sprite drawing itself though, that's a simple repetition of the pattern drawing. We simply calculate the correct X position in the linebuffer, and draw over the contents in there. For transparency, we need to first read it, then extract the pixels in the nibbles, and compare the sprite color with the transparency color. If it is transparent, use the linebuffer pixel, and if it's not, use the sprite pixel. The correct X position though gets a bit hairy to calculate. Yet another drawback of packing the pixels in two nibbles in one byte, is that drawing a sprite starting and ending at mid-byte gets quite complicated. Complicated enough infact that I haven't wanted to think about it at all, and just decided that I can live with a small little quirk: sprites can only be drawn starting from even X positions. After we get more involved with Wreckless Abandond development, we can get back to this and try to fix it, in case the 2 pixel minimum movement gets too jarring.


One last thing before I drop out of this long wall-of-text-of-a-post. To communicate with the GPU and send pattern data and other commands to it, I slapped on another FIFO chip, the IDT7203, between the GPU and CPU (as mentioned at the start of this post). This works as an asynchronous interface to the GPU, and is only writeable on the CPU side. To make sure you know what state you are in, you need to reset the GPU with a command of 0xFF, and do that by sending it 34 times to make sure it enters a known state. (The maximum argument bytes in any command is 33, the CF_CMD_SEND_PATTERN_DATA(0x80), which takes 1 byte for the pattern table index and 32 bytes as the packed pixel color data. We just need to make sure we escape out of this command, so sending 33 reset commands escapes out of it, and the 34th command makes sure it's actually consumed properly)

Here is the current command list:

CF_CMD_SEND_CHARACTER             0x00
CF_CMD_SEND_COLOR                 0x01

CF_CMD_SET_INDEX                  0x10

CF_CMD_SET_SPRITE                 0x20
CF_CMD_SET_SPRITE_INDEX           0x25
CF_CMD_SET_SPRITE_X               0x26
CF_CMD_SET_SPRITE_Y               0x27

CF_CMD_SETMODE_TEXT               0x40
CF_CMD_SETMODE_LORES              0x43

CF_CMD_CLEAR_SCREEN               0x4A


CF_CMD_RESET_GPU                  0xff

The Sprite Hotspot set routines, and the Combined mode functions are the only things not yet implemented. I might skip the Hotspot stuff completely, to keep the sprite drawing code as fast as possible. The idea behind the hotspot code was so that you could draw sprites at [0,0] and still only show the one pixel from the lower left corner of the sprite, to be able to show sprites moving in and out of the screen on all sides. It's not that penalizing to performance (just a register copy, bitmask and, some shifts depending on which one we are checking for, and just adding the value to the currently used x and y), but even "small" things like have a tendency to blow up. So, for now, I'm happy with the way it is currently implemented, and might remove the commands altogether.

Currently I'm fairly confident with this HW design, as far as early prototypes go. There is one thing I'm going to add to this though - a single serial line, unidirectional, from GPU AVR to PT (PixelTimer) AVR, and implement bitbanging serial from GPU to PT for changing the pixel timing values. Currently everything is hardcoded in the PixelTimer, and I'd like that I'd be able to change the timings between NTSC, PAL, progressive/interlaced, non-standard modes etc. from software. For that though, I can just hook a line from one of the free pins on the GPU AVR to one of the free pins in the PT AVR, and I can implement the software later.

Is it over yet?

Phew, this was a long, long post with lots of technical details. If you managed to read this far, I commend your resolve! Hopefully it was interesting for you, and as always, all comments, feedback, constructive criticism and help is appreciated! I sometimes stream working on this project on Twitch at https://www.twitch.com/zment in case you are interested in following the progress live. I'm not doing it that often though and I stream very rarely these days anyhow, but you never know!

Currently I'm moving on from the GPU to the CPU side, and I've already setup some preliminary 6502 hardwired testing. Next up: PCB design for the GPU with KiCad, and 6502 CPU setup with 64K memory and 6551 serial and communicating between PC and the CPU!

maanantai 9. marraskuuta 2020

The Search For New Output

Well, this has been both frustrating and fun at the same time. As you might know, I lost my CRT to power issues (possibly a bad cap that just needs replacing). After that loss, I've been trying to come up with a way to present the output from KAPE GPU so that I could continue on the software portion while I wait for a replacement CRT or parts for the broken one. I came up with a few possibilities I could try out:

  1. Create a software emulator on the PC that I could work with to improve the GPU command structure
  2. I happened to have some MC1377P RGB to Composite encoder chips on hand - just wire these up and use my composite capture card to view the output on PC
  3. Modify the circuit a bit and do an additional grayscale weighted resistor DAC to be tacked on the sync line, which would work as a grayscale version of the screen and capture that
So, about option 1, software emulation - nah, don't feel like it. It would probably get Wreckless Abandon (the 2D platformer I'm doing on the side to be played on the end product) development forward as well, and I could possibly do it so I just had a similar framebuffer memory as in KAPE GPU, draw that every frame with say MonoGame, and do some interprocess communication method to send bytes to the simulator (instead of using the COM port to an debug interfacer UNO). If I cut enough corners, I'd probably even manage it in a few hours. But this project isn't about software, it's about hardware. So I want to do a hardware solution for this.

I (Don't) Got The Power!

So, 2 it is then. Oh boy did I have a lot of problems. And spoiler alert, in the end I didn't even manage to make it work properly. My first problem was power: the MC1377P (datasheet) actually needs +12V, not +5V. Luckily the chip has an internal +8.2V regulator, so the Vcc can be unregulated. But how do I get +12V from +5V? I had the idea of making a charge-pump with some capacitors and diodes and a PWM signal from an AVR chip (or the UNO), but either I screwed something up, or you just can't get enough current from a DIY charge-pump. (The chip needs 35mA on normal operation). 

I then found some ICL7660S (datasheet) negative voltage converter chips on my chips-pile, and reading through its datasheet, it could be wired as a voltage doubler, and it should just have enough current to make things going. I'm yet again on the territory of "either I have no idea what I'm doing" (to be fair, I actually don't!) or perhaps the chips were faulty/chinese fakes/etc. as I couldn't get them to work at all. In the end I tried just wire them up as their normal usage and do a negative voltage converter, but even without a load, I couldn't get -5V out where it was supposed to come out from, at no load.

I quickly realized I'm not going to be able generate +12V from +5V, at least with my current components or knowledge or both. So, I started looking for an alternative. I do have a +18VAC wall plug, and a useless (these days, it wasn't then) board that has a fitting barrel plug, so I was thinking I could maybe make a full bridge rectifier with some diodes and filter it out enough to be in the 10-14V range MC1377P expects power to be. However, I decided to try something else first. My second monitor's power brick's capacitors went kaput a while ago, and I ended up hacking up a power cord from inside my computer from the PSU that delivers 12V to the monitor. So, I luckily had one available Molex on the power cord, and an extra Molex cable to use as a donor to cut up, and I whipped up a 12V Molex to 2-pin header power cable to be used on the breadboard from a connector from the PC's PSU. 

After all this, I tested the chip with a volt meter on the power pins. I should get 12V and 8.2V (Vcc and Vb, the internally regulated output voltage). What I got: 8.4V and 7.2V. What's even weirder, if I tested the voltage between +12V and ground wrong way, I didn't get -8.4V - I got -24V instead. I was at a loss. I tested all the chips I had this way, and none worked. I was ready to throw the towel in (at least for now) but then I came by a simple MC1377P circuit design:

I noticed it had filtering/decoupling caps at the +12V line. I didn't have 47uF cap handy, so I substituted it with a 22uF one. And lo and behold, the voltages started to make sense again! In fact, using this schematic, I ended up finally taking some strides forward in this whole ordeal.

Wired almost according to the simpler schematic.
12V power not connected, nor the RGB lines.

It's Not Progressive Enough!

Now I finally had something nearly-almost working. However, when I tried to capture the image with my capture card, it couldn't sync to the image. I tried plugging the composite cable from the KAPE GPU to the capture cards component input Y channel as well (this should just read as a sync + luma), and it still didn't sync. I had an inkling it was because my sync generation generates a progressive 288p signal, instead of an interlaced 576i signal. However, as I had taken great care to implement the equalizing and serrated pulses properly, all I needed to take care of was to make sure there was the correct amount of frame end and frame start equalizing pulses on both even and odd fields. I might be mixing this around but I think even fields should have 5 pre-equalizing pulses and 4 post-equalizing pulses, odd fields 6 pre and 5 post.

The synchronizing pulses for VSYNC in an even field.

It seems to be a bit hard to find out information about PAL and NTSC signals in a concise and easy-to-digest format, but this page (http://martin.hinner.info/vga/pal.html) helped a lot on getting this right. Thanks Martin Hinner!

I finally got the capture card to sync, and to debug and make sure all other timings were correct, I also implemented option 3 - grayscaling the 4 bit color value with weighted resistors - for helping me debug the new interlaced sync. I had to do some fiddling with the framebuffer read timings though, before getting everything working properly. In the end this actually worked really well - I finally got a picture from KAPE GPU to my very, very picky capture card.

I even tested it out with our LCD TV.

Btw. the TV's composite in is a LOT less picky on the timings than the capture card. I could basically massage the values every which way, I even accidentally disable all the serration and equalizing pulses and it still worked, but the capture card didn't capture it the moment one value was off by one. However, even the TV couldn't capture the progressive output, which is a shame. And kinda also the reason I prefer to work with a CRT with this project, as they support 288p out of the box.

I Want Some Color In My Life

So, now we have the proper sync timings, and we also have power to the encoder chip. All we now need is color through composite with the help of a chip, and that should be to just connect the lines and be done with it, right? Well, not so fast. The chip needs a 4.43MHz crystal oscillator for the chroma subcarrier reference. I don't have that. I do, however, have a 17.73 MHz crystal, which is incidentally 4 times as fast. So I could use the 17.73 MHz crystal with the KAPE Pixel Timer AVR chip (ATtiny84) replacing its normally used 16 MHz chip and 4.43 MHz clock with a timer.

Luckily, I push the pixels out from the FrameBuffer FIFO with an AVR clock divided by 4, so I get this clock actually for free. Using the 17.73 MHz clock though would mean that the pixel clock would be almost 9 MHz instead of the earlier 8 MHz, but it should still work correctly in the end - the 256 pixels long line would just be a smidge shorter, and the individual pixels a little thinner. 

Theres another problem though - can the MC1377 be driven with only a clock on oscillator pins, or does it expect something else? With a little help from eevblog forum, I realized that MC1377 expects a color subcarrier wave reference, not just simply a timing reference, which would be a 0.5 - 1 Vpp sine wave if you are driving the color subcarrier externally. Now, I didn't find anywhere in the datasheet at what DC bias the chip expects this sine wave at (0V?), so I just did a voltage divider from 5V through a 330 ohm resistor and a 100 ohm to ground and filtered it once with a 1 nF cap to ground. The result should be something along these lines. 

So, now that I have managed to tackle the power issues, the interlaced syncing issues to get the image to my capture card, and the chroma subcarrier wave the chip expects, I should be all fine and dandy? Well, let's see, after I wired everything up (the earlier shown simple MC1377 circuit design helped a lot with this!), I wired the RGB lines through 22 uF capacitors and sync I connected straight up (the chip should be okay with a normally 5V signal that just has sync tips dropped to 0V), and connected the composite cable through a 75 ohm resistor to the capture card composite cable ANNNND....

Umm. Well. That's not what I expected nor wanted. With a quick glance, it seems every other line is skipped (and it actually changes every frame which lines are skipped), the colors are obviously out of whack, they shimmer a lot, there is a lot of noise etc... but I'm so close I can taste it!

However, I feel like I've sunken too much time on this already. I'd really want to figure out what I'm doing wrong, and how I could fix it, but it feels like the MC1377 is a lot more trouble than it's worth. Something like AD725 seems like a lot easier to deal with, and doesn't need a separate power supply if you are already using 5V. It also uses the 4Fsc crystals which I have (the 4 times the color subcarrier frequency, ie. 17.73). The biggest downside is it's a surface mount - I'm trying to avoid surface-mount chips as much as I can, though in case I won't find anything better, I'll gladly use one. I don't really like soldering in general, and the only soldering I enjoy is through-hole - at least right now, maybe with some practice I'll learn to enjoy soldering surface mount parts as well.

Fine, I'll Just Get A New One

Not long after my old CRT broke, I managed to source a replacement 14" PAL CRT with SCART. However, it was a bit of a drive away, and my back went a bit bad a few weeks ago, so I've been avoiding driving long distances to let it rest a bit. I was hoping I could get the colors working with the MC1377, but as I was nearing the realization that it's a lot more trouble than I want and my back has been feeling a bit better lately, I decided today was the day to finish the deal and get that replacement CRT. 

I'll finally be able to get back to actually implementing the GPU, instead of fighting with components I barely understand. The image is still in black and white, but tomorrow I'll move the CRT closer to my setup again, and hook up the CRT and we should have sweet, sweet RGB color again, in all its 4 bit RGBI glory that KAPE GPU outputs!

Now all that said... Having a composite out in addition to SCART would be a nice thing to have on the GPU (if not separately, then just populate the SCART Composite pin with proper Composite data)... Maybe I should get back to MC1377 (or some other RGB to composite encoder chip) at some point in the development cycle? But at least for now, I'll let it be, get the CRT setup again and I can get back from this detour and get back to defining the GPU commands and actually making sprites work!

sunnuntai 1. marraskuuta 2020

Catastrophe! Oh noes

Well it seems I'm in a bit of a pickle. My oh-so-important CRT television decided to call it quits, and doesn't take any power in anymore. Now, it's been acting wonky for a while now - it's taken multiple on-off cycles to actually get it to even turn on for a few weeks now, but now it's totally dead.

I had a feeling there might be a swollen cap somewhere in the power distribution, so I took it all apart and sure enough, there was one cap near the flyback transformer that has its top a bit outward instead of straight. 

The capacitor circled in the picture has a swollen top, all others seem normal and just fine. It's a 10 uF 160V High Ripple Current capacitor, so I ordered these Nichicon CS capacitors that should be equivalent to the Nippon Chemicon KHA capacitor that's there originally. 

In the meanwhile, the TV was DUSTY and DIRTY inside. I'll be getting some pressurized air cans and contact cleaners and some IPA to clean it up good, and put it all back and hopefully it helps enough to make it work like it used to - with some massaging and patience. It probably won't though.

Oh and BTW DISCLAIMER: DO NOT OPEN A CRT IF YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING. I'm not going to be held responsible in the event of death or injury if you follow my example. I have no idea what I'm doing either, but I've read enough about servicing CRT's to know that the CRT tube acts as a high voltage (we are talking tens of thousands of volts ~20k) capacitor, and if it isn't discharged properly, it can discharge that charge through YOU. Luckily this is not rocket science, so if you are careful, know the risks and know how to make the risks lower, it's all possible to do yourself. I'm not suggesting that you should though!

Anyway, being without a CRT means I need some other way to get the output visible while I'm waiting for the replacement cap. I am of course targeting either a composite out or PAL RGB SCART for my GPU, but currently the SCART receiver part has been snuffed away from me. I have already wired everything to use RGB with 16 colors, and if I modified the Pixel Out ATtiny84 from the KAPE GPU to output composite, I'd have to either sacrifice color or make some real complex modifications to the current breadboard config of the GPU and it would all still result in modifying the underlying wiring that I kinda don't want to.

However. I do have some MC1377 RGB-to-Composite encoder chips. With that, I could have the current wiring as is, and just add a another breadboard to convert the current RGB signal to a composite signal. I could then connect that to my capture card that has composite input, and then use my computer as the output device, and continue on with my project while I either source a new TV or fix the old one.

There are a few problems though. First of all, I tried earlier to use my v1 monochrome composite output with my capture card, and it couldn't sync to the signal at all. Granted, the signal KAPE GPU Pixel Timer generates is a forced 240p/288p signal, which is ...kind of unorthodox and non-standard, yet still the common way earliest game consoles output their low resolutions.

Secondly, I don't have enough breadboards to go around. Now, I COULD probably do some creative re-arrangement and Tetris playing with the positioning of the components on the breadboard, ESPECIALLY because the CMD FIFO chip actually doesn't reside on the breadboard, it just rests on it (as due to subpar leg strength, the contacts were really bad and I had to hack around that with a perfboard and wires), so I could easily move that around. Also, the SIPO for communicating with the UNO that is used for command/data communication with the PC (whilst we debug the chip and create the functionality for use with a 6502 is finished) could be fit on the same breadboard as the KAPE GPU ATmega1284P itself.

Thirdly, The MC1377 needs 12 volts for operation, 10V minimum. It doesn't need to be regulated though, as the MC1377 has an internal regulator for 8.2V. I only have +5V easily available, so I need some way to step-up the +5V. Now, I could probably do it with a charge-pump and a square wave from one of the AVRs, especially since it doesn't need a regulated voltage, but the problem here though? I don't have the needed components. I have only two 1N4004 diodes - I do have the needed capacitors though.

For the charge pump I'd need a triple stage, to account for all the components taking their own toll to get to around 12 volts. Luckily the MC1377 can operate at a max voltage of 14 (and even as high as 15 should be okay to not break the chip) so I don't need to be so precise. However, I need 4 diodes for a triple charge pump. Sooo how do I magically create diodes out of thin air? Well, I do have some NPN transistors at hand. 2, to be precise. I could just wire the collector and the base together, and use the whole thing as a diode. Crude and dirty, but if it works, I'm not gonna complain.

So, with all those obstacles taken care of, I should be able to make some output again from the GPU, once I wire everything together. Now, all of this probably isn't going to be in the PCB design of the KAPE GPU I'm going to do for this project in the near future, as the target is still RGB SCART. However, this setback does really underline the fact that making the GPU modular and the whole system expandable is useful - I could for instance have different GPU cards for different outputs. Or perhaps if I just design the GPU with multiple outputs, like SCART RGB, Composite and/or VGA? If I wire things up properly, I could even design it so that I can change the timings to whatever I want, to be able to output to PAL/NTSC or even VGA.

Anyhow, all of this extra work is probably not needed right away or perhaps never, if I manage to fix the CRT soon or get a replacement in the meanwhile. Let's just hope I figure out a way to see the output of the GPU someway at some point, I wouldn't want to wait 4 weeks for China post and in the end not even get the old CRT fixed. Oh, and if you happen to have a CRT for me, I would be a happy camper! (Or actually, even a small LCD/TFT with a SCART would be golden!)

Project update 2023

So, last post seems to be from summer 2021. Not even that long ago, eh? :D Well, time for an update then! Anyhoo, paradoxically a lot has ha...